Running Start update

Important Running Start update

Beginning fall quarter 2011, the Washington state Legislature will limit the combined high school and college credits the state will fund for each student. As a result, Wenatchee Valley College will collect tuition from a Running Start student who takes credits beyond a combined 1.2 FTE course load of high school and college courses.

Students who stay at or below the 1.2 FTE of a combined high school/college schedule may still attend Running Start tuition free; however, students enrolling above the 1.2 FTE will pay per-credit college tuition for every credit in excess of the combined limit. For example, students taking 15 credits at the college would only be able to take approximately one course at their high school to stay at the 1.2 FTE limit. An FTE chart is available for students and parents to determine which combinations add up to a tuition-free schedule on the new Running Start Enrollment Verification Form. The form is available at high schools and on the WVC Running Start Enrollment Web page.

All students who are beginning Running Start fall quarter will need to have their schedules re-evaluated by their high school counselors. If the previously planned schedule exceeds the 1.2 FTE, students may choose to reduce the schedule or use the new Running Start Enrollment Verification Form for parental approval to exceed the state-funded limit and pay the college tuition. Students should then arrange a new advisory session with the WVC Running Start office.

Running Start students will continue to receive dual high school and college credit.

For more information, please read the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges Running Start Program Update, available on the WVC Running Start Web page.
